


8 The Green
Dover, DE 19901

Invoice Number SNAPSTAYS-00033923
Invoice Date November 8, 2019
Due Date November 8, 2019
Total Due $6,620.00
Oyinda Odunubi

Post Brookhaven Apartments
2829 Caldwell Rd NE Unit 215, Brookhaven, GA 30319

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceSub Total
1 SnapStays Deposit

Post-Brookhaven Apartments Unit 215
Security Deposit (Refundable)

1 SnapStays Monthly Package

Leased by SnapStays
Unit 215 - Post-Brookhaven Apartments
14 November 2019 - 14 December 2019
Furniture and Housewares
Internet and Cable TV Service
Renters Insurance
Unit Lease

1 Express Cleaning option

With the Express Cleaning option, you don’t need to worry about anything! You can skip cleaning the annoying things like The ring around the toilet, the dust collected on your ceiling fan, lamp the dreaded, scary oven! Post Brookhaven will take care of and schedule the apartment cleaning for you. Just pack up your stuff and turn in your keys!
OR You would NOT like to Opt into the Express Cleaning and understand that you
are responsible for fully cleaning the apartment. You understand that you will be charged for any cleaning charges that are incurred at move out. (Cleaning, Damage Charges will be provided on request)

Sub Total $6,620.00
Tax $0.00
Total Due $6,620.00